Café Royal are a Swiss coffee brand, producing coffee pods compatible with Nespresso and Dolce Gusto systems. Their focus for 2018 is creating a greater awareness of the brand and their products with the UK consumer.
The typical UK consumer is not familiar with the brand and some are unaware that you can purchase pods that are compatible with Nespresso machines with the same high quality coffee.
The objective of the show was to create an awareness of Café Royal, encourage sampling and tasting of the products and collect data from visitors who own either a Nespresso or Dolce Gusto system.
Replicating an aesthetic of a sophisticated coffee shop, we designed a branded coffee bar with raised acrylic lettering to serve Café Royal coffee samples on a glass counter top. The goal was to showcase the quality and flavour of Café Royal’s products.
The stand had illuminated shelving to display the Café Royal range, a lockable storage facility for product samples and a fridge. To the right of the stand stood a branded plinth that held free coffee pod samples.
A television screen played the Café Royal TV advertisement to highlight Robbie Williams sponsorship and emphasise the Swiss brand image of style and sophistication.